I would like to start by saying thank you all for all of the wonderful comments over the past couple of weeks. Thanks so much for sharing in ou journey and happiness.We had a wonderful last day in China. This afternoon at around 4pm, Kerry ws sworn in as a citizen of the United States of America. We thought it was pretty special, she pretty much played and babbled through the whole ceremony. She had the mandatory "Red Couch" photo shoot. This hotel has served thousands of adoptive families over many years and there is a red couch (actually two) located down on the 1st floor and it's sort of a tradition to take your newly adopted childs photo on the "red couch". So we did. She was fine with it as long as the cheerios kept "magically" appearing in her little fists. I have to admit she looked particularly adorable in her little traditional chinese dress. We walked (did I mention that Guangzhou is made for walking) to get dinner and an Italian restaurant. To my surprise, the guy manning the brick pizza oven was, in fact, italian. I think he runs the restaurant. Doug and I split the most delicious pizza and Kerry Lu ate her body weight in spaghetti. The girl can eat folks. She's also very vocal and can now say "bye bye", "Da Da", and "Mama" and uses them correctly. She looks right at me and says " Mama" or "Mamama". Of course it's usually when she wants something but it's still music to my ears. She what I'm pretty sure was her first taste of ice cream. You could tell she loved the taste but had to get used to the fact that it was cold, which she did very quickly. Since we're going to be home soon (yay) I think I should give you a quick run-down of some things she likes and dislikes, not that she isn't capable of letting you know in her own sweet way=). She can throw a world class whine fest or all out tantrum when she feels the need, but we're starting to work on that a bit and it's usually short lived.
Likes: Cheerios, chicken congee, crackers of any sort, spaghetti. Also likes playing with Mama and Daddy, bouncing on the bed, feeling things with her hands and feet, having her hands and feet played with, tickle fests, her morning and nightly bottle of formula and rice cereal, hugs from Mama.
Dislikes: being still for too long, being sleepy, waking up before she's really ready, having to wait, being held by anyone but Mama or in a pinch Daddy ( this is a good thing, though, for a little while until she really bonds with us)
Up for debate: The stroller, high chair, car rides, plane rides, diaper changes, baths.
So we will see some of you guys tomorrow. Please pray that she does well on the very long plane ride(s) home. I can't wait to see you ,all.
The famous Red Couch

Daddy apparently made a new friend in the play room. This little sweetheart took to him right away and before he knew it, she had planted herself in his lap. I've heard that alot of these little ones from orphanages rarely get to interact with men, so they're often intrigued by, and drawn to them.
new US citizen