I'm happy to see my little daffodils popping up. Winter is almost over! Have I mentioned I'm not much of a winter person. Actually, I love up until late December, because I love the Christmas season. But January and February just about do me in every year. At least it does make me appreciate Spring that much more. I get so excited to see things just starting to bud, and patches of green grass popping up, and bags of mulch and garden soil being stocked at the lawn and hardware stores. Ahhhh...makes me warmer just thinking of it. I'm already happily planning little projects for my yard.

I think Kerry is looking forward to Spring too =).

And growing in leaps and bounds...

Speaking of, she went in for her 3 year old check up today. She now weighs 32.8 pounds and is 37 1/4 inches tall. Just about 50th percentile. Her weight gain seems to be slowing just a tad bit, but certainly not her vertical growth. She looks taller and more stretch out to me every day. She's feeling pretty well and seems to be getting over her cold/allergy thing, but we did have a nice discussion with the pediatrician about some GI issues she's struggled with for the last several months. She was so, so brave and did everything the Doctor asked with no fuss. He had to do a quick rectal examination, and I thought she would lose it then, but no..she just laid there and I held her top half and talked to her. It just about broke my heart because I could see the little tears start to well up, but she never fussed. She did cry very briefly after her shot but I don't blame her one bit. Next Monday is her 6 month follow up with the cardiologist, and we're going to be setting her up for her first dentist appointment soon, too.
She's going down for a nap now, and she just told me that robe is making her boo-boo feel better =).