It has been a HOT summer around these parts.
Yes...that hot.
So we've spent a lot of time indoors enjoying the a/c as much as possible. But sometimes we've just GOT to get outside, and then we head straight for the nearest body of water. Lucky for us, my brother and sister-in-law have a pool =).
Kerry has really been enjoying her new-found independence in the water. She's always enjoyed the water, as long as she had one of us to hold on to..or at least to help her swim/float. Now, she just puts on her arm floaties and she's good to go!

Playing peek-a-boo in the banana tree.
Kerry has also been spending a lot of time in her "splashin' pool" at home. And yes, even in 18 inches of water she still likes to play with all of her floaties. Mommy enjoys using this time to kick back in the lounge chair in the shade with a tall glass of iced tea and a magazine =).