Since there are actually two beds, Kerry can actually fit most of her "babies" in all at once by laying them sideways. And this bunkbed separates into two twin beds, too.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Since there are actually two beds, Kerry can actually fit most of her "babies" in all at once by laying them sideways. And this bunkbed separates into two twin beds, too.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
We've been toying with the idea of putting Kerry in a one day a week program for months now ( I think I've mentioned it here before). I've also mentioned Kerry's struggles with separation was a good year before we could even leave her with one of her grandparents for a little while...let alone someone she doesn't know well. I just couldn't take the look of terror, followed by panicked wails the few times we tried. I couldn't put her through it. It's just been this summer that she's gone to Children's Church on Sunday's without tears. Every thing I've ever read about toddler adoption and children who've come from "institutional" settings, along with my gut instincts with her, have told me that I need to be sure that she really "gets" that we'll always come back for her before pushing the issue. But, I've really wanted to put her in some sort of program so she's somewhat prepared for the separation that will come with Pre-K next year. Well, in the just the past couple of months or so, she has started showing so many signs of readiness that we decided to enroll her in a one day a week "Kids Kamp" program. Last Thursday was her first day. Let me tell you I lost some sleep worrying about how she might do. I had to work that day, but luckily Dougs parent's were just minutes away and "on standby" if she got truly and unconsolably upset. We'd spent the previous week talking with her about it, and letting her watch all of the "going to school" programs I could get my hands on. She'd met her "teacher" and some of her little classmates the week before. We got her new shoes, and let her pick out a lunchbox. Anything to prepare her and give her a sense of control in the situation.
Well, I'm very happy to report that my worries were for naught. We walked her to her room and after a quick good bye kiss and an "I'll be back soon"...we left. She had a worried look for a few seconds but "Miss Billie" quickly got her distracted as we left. I stood outside the door for a few seconds.....not so much as one tear (her at least... I was "this close"). Today was her second time going and, again, she did great. She even napped during their rest time which tells me she how comfortable she is with this. My girl finally "gets it". She trusts that we'll a lways come back for her. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Yes it's always bittersweet when you see your child growing up and not needing you as much. But I'm so happy for her that she finally seems to feel safe in the knowledge that we'll never leave her.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kerry first spotted the giant fountain at the entrance and had fun throwing pennies into it. She's always gone crazy for fountains....and they've helped this Mama out one more than one occasion while on the rare mall shopping trip.

One of her best "friends" is a little toy baby chick that was an easter present from a neighbor, and one of her favorite books is a story about a little chick, so she loved this little exhibit with hatching and newborn chicks.

She rode this little course in "Safety Town", complete with working traffic lights, miniature buildings, and an officer to tell them about road safety. She even got a little "drivers license" with her name on it for participating.

Her favorite thing of all seemed to be these little ducklings. They would scurry up a ramp, eat a bit, then slide...not so gracefully but oh so adorably....down this little slide, and then swim around to the ramp to do it all over again

After walking aroud some exhibits we ventured outside to the midway for a few rides. We bought Kerry some ride tickets and she was so excited to walk around with them and hand them to the ride operators. If you notice the sunglasses are a bit big for her, I forgot to bring hers (bad mama) so she ended up borrowing mine for a while =)

She chose this cool little motorcycle ride...

and got a bit of a surprise when it "popped a wheelie". It did this at a certain point during each time around the course.

I love this shot, ha ha! This ride kind of gave a lurch at the beginning and I happened to snap this pic at the right time to catch her reaction.

She ended up riding this twice.

Then it was time to cool off with some ice cream. Here, she's watching the band that was playing in the tent we found to get out of the sun while she finished her rapidly melting treat. We also ended up enjoying some corn dogs and lemon shake-ups. Gotta love fair food.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011
Just a little project...

- Virginia
- I've been happily married to my wonderful husband for 15 years. Two year ago we were blessed to welcome our first child, a Daughter from China and are absolutely in love with her.
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- A Helping Hand Adoption Agency
- The Harrells
- Wanderer's Daughter