Kerry was happy to be able to play outside today without a jacket. And I just love watching my girl having fun.
She borrowed a little cane from Joseph (from our Nativity set) and entertained herself by "bamming" the last of the dead leaves from our trees, then hooking the cane onto a low branch and letting go to watch it spring up into the air.
She played on her swingset a bit.
Penguin puppet is a constant companion nowadays. Wherever she goes, he goes...often even from room to room in the house. I'm not looking forward to breaking it to her that he won't be able to go to Kindergarten with her next year, or that he'll at least have to stay in her backpack. And those nearly-outgrown-and-covered-in-paint crocs that she grabbed from the screened in patio have to go...soon.
She's pointing his head at the camera so he can say "cheese" too, hehee. You may have noticed he's sporting a new accessory. She apparently thought he needed a collar. I guess it's better then the stickers he's often covered with.
Daddy was talking about mowing one last time to mulch the leaves so she thought she'd give him a hand.