Kerry has discovered a new talent this past week. Pole climbing. It started with the poles in our unfinished basement, and now she finds the playground poles an irresistable challenge. She climbs over and over again trying to get better and go higher (yikes). Not to worry, though, Daddy is close enough to catch her.

I love that she smiles while she climbs. It's kinda funny that I was one of those kids that wanted to climb everything, too =).

I love that she smiles while she climbs. It's kinda funny that I was one of those kids that wanted to climb everything, too =).

Her little mouth is working just as well as her little muscles lately, too =). Some more memorable things I've heard her say this week:
" This is serious, I'm afraid."
I asked her where something was earlier today and she said " I have no clue".
After some prolonged teasing by Daddy, Kerry gave him a stern "watch it, Mister boy!".
While she and I were playing Wii yesterday Kerry thought I needed a bit of help so she said "Hit the 'A' button, Sistah".
Me: "Kerry what would you like to eat?"
K: in a mock suprised voice, mind you. " Hmmm, My tummy say's it reeeally want's another chocolate chip cookie. Can you believe that?."
Nice try honey.