I love her shy-but-excited expression as everyone sang the Birthday song. All she could talk about for weeks was that she was "gonna have cupcakes and fwee candles!!" So thats what she got. She was too fast for me to snap a shot of her blowing them out, but we did get it on video.
I ADORE this shot of her with her gi-normous cupcakes. These are Gi-Gi's cupcakes and they are so scrumptious. She's my big three year old now, but she still looks like my baby in this one.
All the little guests got goody-bags. Cousin Sydnie loved her guitar themed necklace kit and said " this is SOOO rock-and-roll"...ha ha!
Sweet little cutie-pie McKenna.
The adorable and spunky little miss "C"
And my loooooong time good friend, Christy with tiny Miss "C".
Opening presents. She got a Woody doll from Mommy and Daddy. She fell in love with it in the store so we just had to go back and get it.
She got a tiara and wanted to wear it..here she's trying to put the matching earings in. The tiara lasted about ten minutes.
She'd been saying she needed a "pink um-breya" so thats one thing Mamaw got her.
My cupcake fanatic was thrilled with this little play set from Miss "C".
Our budding architect loved this set of Lincoln Logs from Nana and Papaw.
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Girl! I can't wait to see what this year holds for Kerry. The changes we saw from her 2nd birthday until now were just amazing and wonderful to see.