cookie face =)
This child of mine just melts my heart. She's really getting more and more affectionate lately. I can't tell you how many times this week that she's said "I yuv you, mommy" and I can't explain how happy and blessed I feel every single time she says it. She also still says we're "best friends", and last night for the first time she said "you're pwetty, Mommy". I know...awwwww, right?! When I come home from work she says "Mommy, I way way missed you".
When I think back to those first months with her, I can really see how far she's come. It's hard to explain, really. She's always wanted to be physically close to us. She still sometimes gets nervous if I have to leave the room abrubtly. She's always been able to give hugs and kisses, and she's always enjoyed physical play, like tickling and "rough-housing". I guess you could say that she always enjoyed affection.... in small doses. Maybe it's just what she was used to for her first 15 months. Her style was...give or get hugs and kisses, then run off and play. Have a tickle fest with Mommy or daddy, then go do something else. Run to Mommy for comfort after getting hurt, "get over it" in one minute flat, then run off and and play. She was not one for prolonged cuddling, or being rocked to sleep. That sort of thing took a lot longer.
Now, my girl asks for "cuddles" before bedtime...and I'm more than happy to oblige her. We're still having issues with separation axiety if we try to leave her with anyone but the grandparents, sometimes pretty severe issues, but we're getting there.
So what's new with Kerry? Well she's still growing like a little weed. The dress I put on her for church today seemed longer the last time she wore it. One of the church nursery workers even noticed and pointed it out to me. She's becoming even more of a little Miss Independant, and says "I do it all by myself" A LOT these days. She's been able to spell her name for a month or so without mistakes. But its cute because she says "K-E-R-R-Y, that smells Kerry!!"
Some other Kerry-isms:
Smatuwa = spatula
nemonade = lemonade
yook! = look!
ImagiwashunWoovers= Imagination Movers (Disney show)
She says "yeahh, I fink so." a lot lately, and when she's looking for something or someone she'll say "Mommy, have you ever seen ____?"
Her favorite movies right now are the "Toy Story" movies and "Despicable Me", and she will watch them in their entirety. her favorite shows are Yo Gabba Gabba and Umizoomi, although she still loves Kai-Lan and Dora, too.
She doesn't care what I put on her to wear during the daytime, but she insists on picking out what pajamas she wears at night.
She still loves to build things plays with her mega-blocks and tinker-toys a lot. I'm thinking of getting her some of these for her birthday.
She is obsessed with painting right now.
She still loves her robe, her pink bunny blankey thing that we sent to her while she was in the orphanage, an her pandas "which she now calls 'Baby Panda' and 'Big Panda". Oh, and she got some frog slippers for Christmas that she wears around the house all of the time, and she has to wear them to bed even if she has footed jammies on.
Anyway, this ended up being a long and rambling post, but she's growing and changing so quickly that I want to document these things so we can look back on them later. That and, well, I just love her so much that I can't stop talking about her =)