Smiles and split-pants

See this little darlin' with Kerry? She's been on my mind since I first laid eyes on these photos seven months ago. Reason # 1, well, just look at her, she's adorable! And she looks like such a sweetheart. Reason # 2, and more importantly, she seems to have been special to Kerry. It looks like they really enjoyed each others company. I think even the Ayi(s) understood this because she/they took the opportunity to take so many of the two of them together, maybe to give Kerry something to remember her by...who really knows. Anyway, I've been wondering about this little beauty for months, hoping and praying that she would find a wonderful forever family. Well a little over am week ago... it happened =). See, I'm part of a Yahoo group for people who've adopted from Kerry's orphanage, and I'd been meaning to post these photos there, too, I just hadn't gotten around to it. I guess I've just been wanting to hang on to them for a while before "sharing them with the world" so to speak. Then Tuesday night, the 19th, something just told me it was time. So I drug the laptop down to the basement and scanned them in and uploaded them to the website. Little did I know that, at the same time, this little girl was being matched with her new family.

A day or so later, her new parents visited the site , found the photos, and we've been e-mailing back and forth since. We plan on getting the girls together after they're home and settled in. I can hardly wait! It never ceases to amaze me how just like in the big things, like adoption as a whole, and bringing a family together, God also works in the little things, like a handful of photos at just the right time. I'm so happy I got to share these with her new parents.