My mom watches Kerry while I'm at work, which is such a blessing, and sometimes tries to do cute things with her hair. Earlier this week, she had it fixed with a little "water spout" on top and when she started playing with her CP doll with matching hairstyle, I had to get pictures.

Ker-Bear went to Mommy's office yesterday for her 18 month checkup and more shots. She weighs 23 1/2 pounds and is just over 31 inches tall, so she's gained about a pound and an inch since we were China. She got 4 shots and only cried til we left the room. Last night though, she acted like her legs might be a bit sore and started running a low grade temp, but that can be a normal part of the body's immune response to shots, so I wasn't too worried. That lasted til around lunch time this morning and she's been fine since. Today was Doug's off day, so she got to be with Daddy all day. He said she laid with him on the couch after breakfast (which she didn't finish) and felt a tad bit warm. She never just lays around, she's either busy, or passed out sleeping, no in between. But after about a half hour she was up and playing and babbling, and by lunch was fever free. Speaking of Doug, Kerry adores him. She lights up when he comes in the room and get's so excited when it's time for him to wake up in the afternoon ( he works nights). She runs in the room and has to be helped up on the bed, after which she tackles him with hugs and squeals "da-da!".

Here's a cute pic that was taken on Sunday. Kerry and Salem were mesmerized by Daddy's juggling talents =)