Monday, May 27, 2013

One of Kerry's new favorite things to do on her swingset is to "wind up" the swing then let go and see how fast she can spin.  Anyone else remember doing this? =)

It's been a while since I've shared some of the things my girl has said lately.  First I have to share some of the crazy-big words she's been using all of a sudden.  Words like:
And then there are the more memorial things she's come up with.  While reading the bible story where Jesus calms the storm while on a boat with the disciples.  I said that I don't know anyone else who could make the wind and the waves obey and she said " Yeah! Jesus is like, the boss of the World!"
While helping Kerry wash in a Dairy Queen restroom after she was half covered in ice-cream a waitress bombarded us with some really intrusive questions about Kerry's heritage, adoption, etc.  After we got in the car I decided I needed to talk with Kerry to see if this upset her.  She seemed pretty much unphased by it.  I then decided to discuss with her when it might be okay to speak or answer bluntly in return to questions like these.  She said "You should only be rude to bad people.  Like solicitors."  Ha!  Apparently she's still got no love for solicitors.
She's not even been five for 3 months yet and she's always saying "A long time ago...when I was four years old.."
Yesterday while on a long stroll downtown she saw some people who had rented a pedal powered rickshaw type thing.  She said "That's resourceful!"
And earlier this week she asked:
"Mommy, why doesn't Nana drive a school bus anymore?"
me:  "Because Nana is retired"
Kerry: " Yeah...and tired." Ha ha!


Lisa and Tate said...

What a cutie. Don't you just love the advanced language skills! Tate is totally into the twist and release on the swing. So much fun!

Unknown said...

I remember spinning like that on the swing. LOL then I remembering puking afterwards :). She is getting so big so quick. Tell your babies to slow down already. Jamey will be in 2nd grade come august.

the meaklims said...

Retired... And tired, haha... I like that!! Very true too!
She is such a smart funny girl, she is going to love school!

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I've been happily married to my wonderful husband for 15 years. Two year ago we were blessed to welcome our first child, a Daughter from China and are absolutely in love with her.

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