This will be Kerry's last year in her Thursday MDO program. When we enrolled her at age three in August of last year, I had been looking for a one or two day a week program mostly as a way of helping her with the pretty severe separation anxiety issues she struggled with before she would have to face "big school" at age five. It has done WONDERS for her in this area. It has also served as a good social outlet for her and as a way to lighten the load for my Mom so she would only need to watch her on Wednesdays and Fridays while I work. And even though it's just a Mother's Day Out program, the day is structured and they have come up with a curriculum so it has taught Kerry how to be in a classroom setting. Best of all, though...she loves, loves, loves it. Seriously. She never, ever complains or pouts about getting up and going on Thursday morning and is always excited to go and to tell me all about her day when I pick her up. I love this. I love that I can now leave my baby girl for the day and know that she knows that I will always come back for her. That she is comfortable, happy, learning, socializing, blossoming in every way.

And I just had to share this little photo she had taken at "school". How cute is she in her little cap and gown!? The only problem is...when I see her in this photo, I can also see her about 13 years from now in another cap and gown and I'm so not ready to even think about that.
Even though she won't start Kindergarten until next fall, registration actually begins next month! So we've already started talking with her about how different it will be next year. New school, new teacher, new friends. So far she seems okay with it...we'll see when the time actually comes. This could be harder on Mommy than her = /.
I have to share a funny from yesterday. We passed by Doug's elementary school and Kerry said,
"Mommy! Daddy went to hel-e-bentry school there! Did you ever know that?!"