I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know we did. We spent lots of time with family, and had lots of delicious food...
We went to a candlelight service at our church on Christmas Eve, then it was off to Doug's parent's home for dinner and, of course, presents.
One of her gifts was this D*ra the Explorer microphone. Everytime we go down the toy aisle at Wal-Mart she picks it up and tries to put it in the cart, so she was pretty excited about this gift.
All three grand-girls got new jammies. Sydnie strikes a pose in her new jammies and pink cow-girl boots below.
She's 4 going on 14..
Kerry is still crazy for her uncle "Twavis" and shadowed him all evening.
Even baby Kinsley got new jammies. She's 3 weeks old now.
Merry Christmas sleepy-head!
Her big gift was this cute little pink H*rley Davidson motorized ride-on. She also got from us a Red-Rover game, as well as Chutes and L*dders and C*ndyland. She got a georgeous Madame Alex*ander asian doll, and a Thom*s the train set, a green tu-tu dress up set from Jess (missed you) a Buzz Lightyear, a play cleaning set, among other things. My girl has a very wide range of interest and her gifts reflected it. =).
After a leisurely morning, we headed out to my parent's house where we consumed ridiculous amounts of food, and of course there were more gifts.