Here are just a few pics from the last week. It's been crazy and exciting. We had less than 24 hours to get the initial paperwork completed saying that we HAPPILY accepted this referral and have a specialist review some of her test results. Luckily I work for a group of 6 Pediatricians so they were able to make that happen. Later in the week there were more documents that needed to be signed and notarized (thankfully I work with a notary public as well) and we had to have another physicians letter written (did I mention I work for 6 of them)? The issue was we didn't realize this until Wed. night but by Thurs. at noon we had them done and mailed, overnight, to our Agency (phew).
The morning we got her referral...I'm still in my work scrubs.
Don't we look like the happiest people in the world? =)

My Mom..

Doug's Mom

Our niece, Sydnie, helped us celebrate her first birthday. I wanted to have pictures and birthday cards that we can use the fill the "first birthday" page in her adoption themed baby book, I just couldn't see leaving it blank since we knew about her on her birthday. I want her to be able to look back and know we were thinking about her.

After seeing her pictures, Jamey said "that's my best friend." =)
They will, unoubtedly, end up spending alot of time together, along with his future sibling who is due in September. Jess and I joke that we're going to be a regular stroller brigade with our stair-stepped kids (her Jamey, mine, her soon-to-be) and we're already trying to work out the logistics of fitting 3 carseats in either of our cars when we're out together.