For the most part Kerry's bike was ignored all last summer. But this year, it's been a different story. She has been asking to ride almost daily and it's getting very hard to keep up with her, she goes so fast!
I've noticed her watching some of the other neighborhood kids and grown-ups lately as they ride around sans training-wheels and I knew what was coming.
Sure enough, last night she asked Daddy to take them off.
She wants so much, now, to be a "big girl". She's insisting on doing all sorts of things on her own and my super picky-eater has even been trying all sorts of new things simply because "that's what big girls do." Today she even ordered a cheeseburger instead of her usual nuggets and ate the entire thing, bread and all! She does not normally eat bread of any kind.
But, back to the bike. She and Daddy practiced and practiced...and she practiced some more with me today. She's not there yet, but I'm betting my determined girl with be riding solo with no training wheels very soon.
So I'm posting one last photo of those training wheels...just because. They really do grow up fast don't they?!