So as soon as Kerry had the whole Hula-Hoop thing mastered she immediately set her mind on another goal...learning to snap her fingers. Guess what she mastered this week. Yep, you got it. She is demonstrating her new snapping skills for anyone and everyone who crosses her path, even the occasional stranger in the check-out line. That's just how she's always been. A bit of an over-achiever, I guess. When she was littler she would get so frustrated and upset with herself if she was struggling to master or learn something. Now, if she's struggling a bit she'll say " I don't get upset anymore, Mommy, because I'm a big girl now. " Awww.
Kerry was playing in the back yard yesterday and as I watched out the kitchen window I saw her standing by my little dogwood tree, and I recognized the look of determination, so I grabbed my camera and went outside and watched.
On this weeks agenda....whistling. Slow down baby girl, slow down.