This child melts my heart...
and makes me smile....really big =).

This is what she does when I ask her to "say cheese" and smile.
But sometimes she obliges me with a good old fashioned grin.

She lined up her blocks and said it was a xylophone (she says "zi-ya-phone"), and used straws to "play" it.
Kerry has been really obsessed lately with the idea of being "big" and being "little" and it reflects in the things she says lately. Things like:
"Mommy, when you get widdle (little) like me you can climb it"
"Daddy, you're to big to do dat, when you get widdle like me you can do it" ( She seems to think we can age backwards).
When asked to eat certain things she says "I can't, when I get bigger I'll yike (like) it". When she sings she tends to sing loudly and when she dances she often looks kind of like she should be in a pre-school mosh pit, doesn't matter if its the ABC's song, or the theme song to the Backyardigans. So the other day I asked if she was rock'n' rolling and she said, "I'm to little to rock and roll, when I get big I can rock and roll! " ha ha.
She was carrying something heavy and I commented on how strong she was and she said, "Yeah, I AM gettin' big".
Yes, sweetie, you are.