Kerry had such a fun Christmas season this year. This seems to be the first year that she was old enough to really be into everything about it. She was enjoying all of the Christmas music (just like her mommy) and even learned a few songs, she was really into helping us decorate the tree, and Santa was finally a hit this year. We watched some of the classics like "Frosty" and "Rudolph" and she loved them...last year, not interested. She had so much fun helping me wrap gifts (just not hers of course) and was my official "tape assistant". And she apparently has the ability now to anticipate the arrival of a big event so we got the "How many days til Chrismas?" question almost daily for at least 2 weeks, hee hee. Best of all she learned more about the birth of Christ =).

New jammies for Christmas Eve. She's still really into Minnie Mouse so she got a cute little gown and new slippers. (Her much loved froggy slippers are pretty much outgrown now..sniff, sniff).

This was the first year we left out milk and a cookie for the Man in Red. She even left a note. I wrote "to" and "from" and she wrote the "Santa" and "Kerry". I love her fancy "S" and the fact that she ran out of room and put the "A" underneath =). But she caught on quick and wrote her name smaller.

Sleepy eyed girl on Christmas morning passing out stockings.

This was all Daddy's idea. It really "eats, drinks, pees, and poo's". She's had fun with it so far.

This was her "Santa" gift. She asked him for a computer game so we got her a Leapster Explorer. She LOVES this and it has some great educational games like "Mr. Pencil". She's all about learning to write letters and spell words lately so its a favorite.

New jammies for Christmas Eve. She's still really into Minnie Mouse so she got a cute little gown and new slippers. (Her much loved froggy slippers are pretty much outgrown now..sniff, sniff).

This was the first year we left out milk and a cookie for the Man in Red. She even left a note. I wrote "to" and "from" and she wrote the "Santa" and "Kerry". I love her fancy "S" and the fact that she ran out of room and put the "A" underneath =). But she caught on quick and wrote her name smaller.

Sleepy eyed girl on Christmas morning passing out stockings.

This was all Daddy's idea. It really "eats, drinks, pees, and poo's". She's had fun with it so far.

This was her "Santa" gift. She asked him for a computer game so we got her a Leapster Explorer. She LOVES this and it has some great educational games like "Mr. Pencil". She's all about learning to write letters and spell words lately so its a favorite.
She got some other fun stuff, too, like two Play-Dough play sets, Lego's, lots of craft supplies and other goodies. We spent Christmas Eve with Doug's family and enjoyed our church's candle-light service. Christmas Day, after a nice leisurely morning at home we went to my parent's house for a huge lunch with family. I'm really feeling so blessed as we wrap up 2011.