"Mommy, if somebody's not happy, they should just turn their face into a smile"
Kerry said this yesterday while we were in the car having a little talk about how you can often choose your attitude, and whether or not you feel happy, or positive, instead of sad, or grumpy. She, umm, sometimes needs a gentle reminder of this. But, then, don't we all? =).
Kerry seems to be trying to add some bigger words to her vocabulary lately, which has led to some pretty cute phrases lately. My favorite is from earlier in the week. We were in a fitting room with a three way mirror and she said " Look Mommy, there's your collection! And there's MY collection, too!" She either meant to say "reflection" or, since it was a three way mirror, she was indeed referring to a "collection" of us.
"God only gave me two arms, I'm not an octopus!"
Can't remember why she said this, but it made me laugh.
"I'm so dexcited!!"
She's been saying this a lot lately, hee hee.
And just this morning:
"Mommy, I got a little problem here."
Kerry is still doing well in her mother's day out program on Thursdays. After two years, I can finally say that her separation issues are pretty much a thing of the past. Another one of the biggest reasons we put her in this program was to give her a little more socialization with other kids her age, and I can already see a difference in how she interacts and plays with other kids when we're ..say..at church, or at the park like we were earlier today. She seems more interested, whereas before, she would sometimes kind of ignore other chidren her age and either just do her own thing, stick close to us, or interact only with adults. But this is probably typical for her age. Anyway, it's looking like she's (hopefully) on her way to becoming as emotionally and socially ready for Pre-k as she is scholastically when it comes around this time next year. Our plan is working =).